Sunday, April 27, 2008

Jumping in feet first

This isn't the first blog I've ever had, just the first in a long while. I lost interest years ago, after having had some unsettling blog-related experiences that convinced me that maybe the blogosphere wasn't for me.

And now I'm back and I'm looking forward to starting fresh. In the past few years, and especially in the past few months, I've been reading other peoples blogs more and more, and feeling like I wanted to jump back in. I've been one of those people who "lurks" a lot on other blogs and online communities, and even if I feel strongly invested in the ideas that I'm reading and the discussions that I'm listening in on, I feel uncomfortable weighing in. I've seen some ugly things. But I've also seen great things happening in some of these places.

Right now, I'm not sure what will be the purpose of this blog -- if it'll be more serious of more light-hearted, or what I'll feel like writing about. We'll see how it goes.

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